Business Person of the Year

Business Person of the Year | Rizal Farok

"but Riz. BlueSky is the company, not the person"

yes. i made sure to inform them that if we win in any of the categories we were finalists for, that it reads as BlueSky Digital Labs .. not me or Amel.

one of the first thing i say when doing my recruiting pitch is "you don't just work for me, you work with me". we are a team based structure, and both me and Amel still do the work our team does. so when the team performs well .. we are successful. and when others see me and Amel as successful .. it is because of the team.

so. here's a very big grateful thank you to the whole team for making me and Amel look successful enough to win the *Business Person Of The Year* award (a category the judges nominated us in) earlier tonight!

#ConFUSEous #devtools #BlueSky #fashion #greeniepunk