EOFY reflection

EOFY reflection | Rizal Farok

first half of this season was calm. but the second .. has been quite the ride. we had plans to grow, but we like, really grew. and with that, came plenty of challenges for us, with the workload, admin, etc. while we did not struggle, we realised we had plenty to fix - and unfortunately some got entangled in the interim, and i truly apologise to those who did.

but the past 2 months have been really good. we've tightened loose screws, oiled rusty chains, got everyone's GPS synced .. and we're ready for even more growth and challenges. are we perfect yet? no. are we there yet? also no, but we're close.

there's plenty of work still to do for me and AM, especially with the impending move to an office that needs to be at least 4x our current. but one thing we are very proud of .. is our team. while me and AM started it all, trying to instil a culture based on our own experiences as developers, it has evolved to one that is dictated by the team themselves.

we're very much team oriented, and everyone helps each other out. each know their roles, but willing and ready to go above and beyond. and it has led to external word of mouth where i'm getting more expressions of interest from graduates wanting to be here and nowhere else. but of course, i will never expect anyone who joins us, to stay with us forever (but we do want long terms).

in the past, we've had team members move on to them big tech companies, or smaller ones that do something different from us cos they (the team member) wanted a change. but this 2nd half of the season, was the first time in our 8 years we've had some who moved on to a company well known in my industry circles for .. reasons.

but to that company .. hope you don't get slapped too hard in the face soon, if you haven't already.

so i'll say this out loud. because of our team's culture and vibes, if you're not a big sexy tech company, and you poach any of my team members, there is a very high chance if they say yes to you .. its probably for reasons that's not in your favour.

anyways, like i said, many more challenges await us next season. but i'm looking forward to tackling them all with gusto .. and continue posting about my scooter adventures.

#greeniepunk #ConFUSEous #eScooter #fashion