Murderbot Diaries

Murderbot Diaries | Rizal Farok

The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells

this was highly recommended to me, so the moment they were available from the Perth library, i loaned them all.

read the first book, and .. holy fluff i loved it! the first 4 books are basically like a short novel (avg 160 pages each), so i devoured them all .. and am currently reading the 5th book, which is more like your usual 350 page novel.

you can go "google" for more details .. but i think i love this series (other than for it's dry humour) because i really identify with the MC - it mostly cares about downloading and watching plenty of serial shows, can't be stuffed with human behaviours, but somehow still gets whatever job it has been tasked with, done .. and done well.

and well, it also somehow gets life lessons from them shows.

so if you're looking for a really good sci-fi series that's light and not your usual heavy stuff .. you really need to be reading The Murderbot Diaries.

oh. and it totally needs to be an actual TV series too.

#bookish #ConFUSEous