
noCompile(01) is now out! in this episode, we talked about how we got into programming and the ( web || software ) development industry. and surprisingly, it went for longer than we thought we would have - about 48 mins total.

as mentioned before, we stuffed up the recording for the audio, and lighting for the video. but we managed to salvage what we had - with Luke on sound editing duty, and me on the video. but unlike Luke, who was a sound dude in his previous life .. i had no idea what i was doing with the video edits. so apologies for the amateurish video edits - but this is now on my personal up-skill list.

this was collectively our first ever podcast. we didn't really know exactly what to do, like with the intro and stuff. but if you think there's potential, and want more .. let us know what can be improved, what you want to hear more of, or simply any other kind of general feedback.

so yeah, hopefully there will be an episode 2 .. and more!

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