NMTAFE Grad Show

NMTAFE Grad Show | Rizal Farok

the North Metro TAFE grad show 2024 earlier tonight was .. "different". in past years, it was a BlueSky talent acquisition exercise for me. whereas this year, i'm more in a freelance capacity .. while pivoting towards my usual mentorship role at such events.

and it actually felt more fun. cos while recognising talent is something i'm really good at .. dishing out my wild horror stories, advice, and experiences is something i love.

so hopefully you grads got some good "ammo" through my stories earlier tonight. and as mentioned, i'm always open if you wanna catch up for coffee.

and if any of my contacts are needing junior devs, you can hit me up too.

anyways. look at these 2 former mangkuks of mine .. 2 in-person North Metropolitan TAFE success stories.

#PerthLiving #BlueSky #devtools