STGCC 2018

STGCC 2018 | Rizal Farok

this time of the year, for the past many years except last year .. i'd be busy planning for my annual trip to Singapore Comic-Con. i would have gotten my VIP pass by now, emailed all guest artists for an (expensive) art commission piece from each, and be sorting out my 2 different cosplay attire - Casual Saturday outfit, Full Costume Sunday.

but little did i know back in 2018, this outfit (pictured) would have been my last STGCC Casual Sat - cos they changed the dates from Oct to Dec last year (hence i couldn't attend). so early Jan this year, i made plans to be sure i could attend this Dec, and was already planning on 90s Jessica Jones for Sat, and Gamerverse Kamala Khan for Sun. but then ..


and with the way things still are, it looks highly unlikely i would be able to atttend again this year, or even if they are able to run it at all.

getting art commissions is not a problem since i can still easily contact some of the artists online. but i really do miss dressing up for a Comic-Con. its not something i do for the events in Perth or Melbourne cos they're too small in comparison, hence i'm always looking forward to the big one in Singapore cos i got more friends attending it from around the world.

oh well. fingers crossed its still happening. else, 2021 then ...

#fashion #greeniepunk #cosplay #KamalaKhan #flashback #DrMartens