Polygon Urbano 5

Polygon Urbano 5 | Rizal Farok

my latest new ride is .. non-electric. pure pedal power. i still have my eScooter and eBike (for weekend cruises), but my daily commutes to and from work, well, electric power for less than 5 mins is no adrenaline rush.

i spent months researching before settling on this 20" foldable Polygon Urbano 5 model. it's small and easy to pack away if i need to, and more importantly .. it's got plenty of after market accessories and mods. and i reckon i'll be spending a lot of time on tinkering it, which will be my new hobby.

"pimp my ride" baby.

but if you're going "Riz. you sure you ok? non-electric?" yup i'm good. i really do need the exercise. rode in this morning for the first time on this bike. went fast and .. i was panting.

(narrator: bullshit. Riz is definitely planning an electric conversion by himself, with most likely a Bafang motor with throttle.)

#PerthLiving #TheOffice #UrbanCycling #PolygonUrbano5