Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
with DD and OS
or .. talent acquisition
Sandra resignation
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
first snap of the year
S23+ test shot - Aubree 1
S23+ test shot - mine
S23+ test shot - Aubree 2
first real evacuation at 125 Murray
Polygon Urbano 5
2yrs since i first met Aubree
i'm back riding the Ghost
for Aubree and Bea
Simply Strange & Alluring III
we finally have it up
with my Polygon Urbano 5
today's balcony view
the view from Level 8 balcony
not what she wanted, but looks good!
for BlueSky's book exchange corner
that time of the year for 2022
Star Wars Black Series helmet
my new ride is pure pedal power
Dark Trooper unboxed pop figure
great find in EB Games
new additions to my workspace
when recruiting team members
end of their work placement
Subiaco AFC meeting
Curtin Design work placement
new work experience
thank you to everyone
125 Murray St level 7
bought a whole carton
a new red office coffee machine
Google Maps update
been a hectic week
for my Apollo City
our current team as of today
took half the team for a tour
is now up for lease
leaving the office after work
with Princess Cake
Song Machine
shot some clips on my ride to work
new helmet for my daily commute
just received my Kickstarter set!
is literally a kid
nobody else is doing it, but why shouldn't we?
back to a finger-driven ball for me
updated to use only one monitor
and another distracted boyfriend meme
to the BlueSky development team
and a happy new year!
for my office Monstera
glad i rocked up to office today
showing off my balls
i finally got it sorted out
an internal project
first time wearing this pair out
which involves 3D printing
an Alocasia Cuculata
a Ctenanthe Never Never Plant
an update on my Monstera time-lapse
setting up my first ever timelapse
for display on my office table
decided to bring these to the office
distracted boyfriend meme
my job in the office on Fridays
with the Bluesky team
eco-friendly Nespresso compatible pods
a flashback friday look at BlueSky offices
yet another new office plant
i just enlisted Carol Danvers
when unplanned things going fashionably well
its been a long time
and please stay safe everyone
to kick our morning off
little Aloe Veras in the office
and the office now looks really good
my first DIY project for 2020
at BlueSky Digital Labs
drops this weekend on Amazon
cos i keep forgetting mine
in really good condition from BigW
BlueSky was a finalist
my new favourite coffee place
OMG my new Monstera just had a leaf bloomed
its a Monstera Tauerii
for the reception area
with a favourite client
is strong with a potential client of ours
them: isn't "computer coding" boring?
my desk layout in the new office
We Are BlueSky!
Google Maps verification
quotes for my workspace