Curtin Feb Grad 2025
Curtin Feb Grad 2025
Curtin Feb Grad 2025
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
walking with Nour
366 days challenge
caught up with Brian
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
not crows but pigeons
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
366 days challenge
first snap of the year
test on my TPBs / GNs
S23+ test shot - Aubree 1
S23+ test shot - mine
S23+ test shot - Aubree 2
first S23+ arty shot
my highest photo views
125 Murray St Level 8
Bea was pretty amazing
my nephew in floorball action
last burst of winter hopefully
the view from Level 8 balcony
sunday night sunset view
this morning June 29th 2023
a great building photo opportunity
last night at East Vic Park
photos from their night in Perth
for my Google Maps contribution
with South Perth over the river
with my Ninebot Kickscooter Max
new helmet for my daily commute
another shot from yesterday
my Sunday morning ride
is back for 2021
test shot from this morning
it was very quiet and empty this morning
behind my apartment
no travel. no problem
an update on my Monstera time-lapse
setting up my first ever timelapse
of my photos on Google Maps
my view this morning
a beautiful mess
for my home and office needs
3 years ago, today
alleyway can look pretty
PER-SIN on Scoot
in Perth City
of my photos on Google Maps
new album added
is uhm, a serious business
well, rather, it was a ginger tea party
from the recent Perth Saku Blossom festival
be right back while i go rush in and gain my Inhumans power ...
rainbow over Perth City on my way to work
up at the Perth Hills
on the long drive now to Sunshine Coast, straight off my Japan trip
them Pale Waves Stone Roses trippy vibes
sometimes, driving home from work late evening can be nice
window seat view from my most recent flight
streetart and coffee pose
2018 City of Perth
in Avatar hoodies
hero shot of my blue Docs
against a Miss Spic work
toys from my generation
love this photo
10-eye Brown Thermal Rub-Off